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Mellor, P. S. (1993). African horse sickness: transmission and epidemiology. Vet Res, 24(2), 199–212.
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Mellor, P. S., & Hamblin, C. (2004). African horse sickness. Vet Res, 35(4), 445–466.
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No authors listed. (1995). Workshop on the geographic spread of Aedes albopictus in Europe and the concern among public health authorities. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy, 19-20 December 1994. In Parassitologia (Vol. 37, pp. 87–90).
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Sanchez-Vizcaino, J. M. (2004). Control and eradication of African horse sickness with vaccine. Dev Biol (Basel), 119, 255–258.
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Sinclair, M., Buhrmann, G., & Gummow, B. (2006). An epidemiological investigation of the African horsesickness outbreak in the Western Cape Province of South Africa in 2004 and its relevance to the current equine export protocol. J S Afr Vet Assoc, 77(4), 191–196.
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Venter, G. J., Koekemoer, J. J. O., & Paweska, J. T. (2006). Investigations on outbreaks of African horse sickness in the surveillance zone in South Africa. Rev Sci Tech, 25(3), 1097–1109.
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[No authors listed]. (2006). African horse sickness--a serious disease (Vol. 84).
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