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Lafferty, K.D. Look what the cat dragged in: do parasites contribute to human cultural diversity? 2005 Behavioural Processes 4148 68 279-282 details   doi
Levy, J. The mammalian brain and the adaptive advantage of cerebral asymmetry 1977 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 4137 299 264-272 details   openurl
Overli, O.; Korzan, W.J.; Hoglund, E.; Winberg, S.; Bollig, H.; Watt, M.; Forster, G.L.; Barton, B.A.; OVerli, E.; Renner, K.J.; Summers, C.H. Stress coping style predicts aggression and social dominance in rainbow trout 2004 Hormones and Behavior 4192 45 235-241 details   doi
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