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Atwill, E.R.; Mohammed, H.O.; Lopez, J.W. Evaluation of travel and use as a risk factor for seropositivity to Ehrlichia risticii in horses of New York state 1996 American Journal of Veterinary Research 2658 57 272-277 details   openurl
Gothe, R. [Tapeworms, a problem in equine practice?] 1994 Tierarztliche Praxis 2663 22 466-470 details   openurl
Hanson, R.P.; Trainer, D.O. Significance of changing ecology on the epidemiology of arboviruses in the United States 1969 Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association 2742 73 291-294 details   openurl
McClure, S.R.; Chaffin, M.K. Self-mutilative behavior in horses 1993 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1944 202 179-180 details   openurl
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