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Alexander, B. K., & Bowers, J. M. (1969). Social organization of a troop of Japanese monkeys in a two-acre enclosure. Folia Primatol (Basel), 10(3), 230–242.
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Dunbar, R. I., & Dunbar, E. P. (1976). Contrasts in social structure among black-and-white colobus monkey groups. Anim. Behav., 24(1), 84–92.
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Harlow, H. F. (1950). Learning and satiation of response in intrinsically motivated complex puzzle performance by monkeys. J Comp Physiol Psychol, 43(4), 289–294.
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Hrdy, S. B. (1974). Male-male competition and infanticide among the langurs (Presbytis entellus) of Abu, Rajasthan. Folia Primatol (Basel), 22(1), 19–58.
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Kawamura, S. (1967). Aggression as studied in troops of Japanese monkeys. UCLA Forum Med Sci, 7, 195–223.
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Mori, U. (1979). Ecological and sociological studies of gelada baboons. Individual relationships within a unit. Contrib Primatol, 16, 93–124.
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Mori, U. (1979). Ecological and sociological studies of gelada baboons. Inter-unit relationships. Contrib Primatol, 16, 83–92.
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Mori, U. (1979). Ecological and sociological studies of gelada baboons. Unit formation and the emergence of a new leader. Contrib Primatol, 16, 155–181.
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Rudran, R. (1973). Adult male replacement in one-male troops of purple-faced langurs (Presbytis senex senex) and its effect on population structure. Folia Primatol (Basel), 19(2), 166–192.
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Saayman, G. S. (1971). Behaviour of the adult males in a troop of free-ranging Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). Folia Primatol (Basel), 15(1), 36–57.
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