de Waal, F. B., & Seres, M. (1997). Propagation of handclasp grooming among captive chimpanzees. Am. J. Primatol., 43(4), 339–346.
Abstract: A grooming posture previously reported for two wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) communities developed spontaneously in a captive group of the same species. This offered a unique opportunity to follow the propagation of a new social custom. The posture consists of two partners grasping hands--either both right hands or both left hands--and raising the arms in an A-frame above their heads while mutually grooming with their free hands. The propagation of this pattern was followed over a 5 year period. In the beginning, handclasps were always initiated by the same adult female. This female initiated the posture mainly with her adult female kin. In subsequent years, these relatives became frequent participants in the posture with each other as well as with nonrelatives. Over the years the posture increased in frequency and duration and spread to the majority of adults and also to a few adolescents and older juveniles. The pattern persisted after removal of the apparent originator.
Judge, P. G., & de Waal, F. B. (1994). Intergroup grooming relations between alpha females in a population of free-ranging rhesus macaques. Folia Primatol (Basel), 63(2), 63–70.
Abstract: Intergroup affiliation among female rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta, was examined in the captive free-ranging colony of Morgan Island, S.C., USA. The provisioned colony has many social groups (35) and is maintained at a relatively high population density (21 animals/ha) with a relatively low adult male to female ratio (1:8.8). Focal and ad libitum samples were collected on 32 adults (3 males and 29 females) from two groups. Although infrequent, grooming was observed between adult females from different groups, and alpha females were the main participants in these interactions. Colony records indicated that none of the intergroup grooms was between females formerly from a common group. Relations between familiar neighboring groups may be maintained by a combination of both affiliative and aggressive behavior.
Seyfarth, R. M. (1977). A model of social grooming among adult female monkeys. J. Theor. Biol., 65(4), 671–698.
Abstract: Grooming networks among adult female monkeys exhibit two similar features across a number of different species. High-ranking animals receive more grooming than others, and the majority of grooming occurs between females of adjacent rank. A theoretical model which duplicates these features is presented, and the properties of the model are used to explain the possible causation and function of female grooming behaviour. The model illustrates how relatively simple principles governing the behaviour of individuals may be used to explain more complex aspects of the social structure of non-human primate groups.
Seyfarth, R. M., & Cheney, D. L. (1984). Grooming, alliances and reciprocal altruism in vervet monkeys. Nature, 308(5959), 541–543.
Abstract: Reciprocal altruism refers to the exchange of beneficial acts between individuals, in which the benefits to the recipient exceed the cost to the altruist. Theory predicts that cooperation among unrelated animals can occur whenever individuals encounter each other regularly and are capable of adjusting their cooperative behaviour according to experience. Although the potential for reciprocal altruism exists in many animal societies, most interactions occur between closely related individuals, and examples of reciprocity among non-kin are rare. The field experiments on vervet monkeys which we present here demonstrate that grooming between unrelated individuals increases the probability that they will subsequently attend to each others' solicitations for aid. Vervets appear to be more willing to aid unrelated individuals if those individuals have behaved affinitively toward them in the recent past. In contrast, recent grooming between close genetic relatives appears to have no effect on their willingness to respond to each other's solicitations for aid.