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Cynx, J.; Hulse, S.H.; Polyzois, S. A psychophysical measure of pitch discrimination loss resulting from a frequency range constraint in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) 1986 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2786 12 394-402 details   openurl
Dougherty, D.M.; Lewis, P. Stimulus generalization, discrimination learning, and peak shift in horses 1991 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior 1764 56 97-104 details   doi
Gazit, I.; Goldblatt, A.; Terkel, J. The role of context specificity in learning: the effects of training context on explosives detection in dogs 2005 Animal Cognition 2509 8 143-150 details   doi
Murai, C.; Tomonaga, M.; Kamegai, K.; Terazawa, N.; Yamaguchi, M.K. Do infant Japanese macaques ( Macaca fuscata) categorize objects without specific training? 2004 Primates 2813 45 1-6 details   doi
Zentall, T.R.; Jackson-Smith, P.; Jagielo, J.A.; Nallan, G.B. Categorical shape and color coding by pigeons 1986 Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes 262 12 153-159 details   openurl
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