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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Clayton, H.M. Comparison of the stride kinematics of the collected, medium, and extended walks in horses 1995 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3743 56 849-852 details   openurl
Clayton, H.M. The extended canter: a comparison of some kinematic variables in horses trained for dressage and for racing 1993 Acta Anatomica 3751 146 183-187 details   openurl
Deuel, N.R.; Lawrence, L.M. Laterality in the gallop gait of horses 1987 Journal of biomechanics 528 20 645-649 details   openurl
Witte, T.H.; Knill, K.; Wilson, A.M. Determination of peak vertical ground reaction force from duty factor in the horse (Equus caballus) 2004 The Journal of Experimental Biology 3658 207 3639-3648 details   doi
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