Bentley, T., Macky, K., & Edwards, J. (2006). Injuries to New Zealanders participating in adventure tourism and adventure sports: an analysis of Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) claims. N Z Med J, 119(1247), U2359.
Abstract: AIMS: The aim of this study was to examine the involvement of adventure tourism and adventure sports activity in injury claims made to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). METHODS: Epidemiological analysis of ACC claims for the period, July 2004 to June 2005, where adventure activities were involved in the injury. RESULTS: 18,697 adventure tourism and adventure sports injury claims were identified from the data, representing 28 activity sectors. Injuries were most common during the summer months, and were most frequently located in the major population centres. The majority of injuries were incurred by claimants in the 20-50 years age groups, although claimants over 50 years of age had highest claims costs. Males incurred 60% of all claims. Four activities (horse riding, mountain biking, tramping/hiking, and surfing) were responsible for approximately 60% of all adventure tourism and adventure sports-related injuries. Slips, trips, and falls were the most common injury initiating events, and injuries were most often to the back/spine, shoulder, and knee. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the need to investigate whether regulatory intervention in the form of codes of practice for high injury count activities such as horse riding and mountain biking may be necessary. Health promotion messages and education programs should focus on these and other high-injury risk areas. Improved risk management practices are required for commercial adventure tourism and adventure sports operators in New Zealand if safety is to be improved across this sector.
de Waal, F. B. M. (2005). How animals do business. Sci Am, 292(4), 54–61.
Gramkow, H. L., & Evans, D. L. (2006). Correlation of race earnings with velocity at maximal heart rate during a field exercise test in thoroughbred racehorses. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 118–122.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Running ability of Thoroughbred racehorses is correlated with maximal oxygen uptake, and the velocity at maximal oxygen uptake is highly correlated with the velocity at maximal heart rate (VHRmax). OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between VHRmax and racing performance, expressed as 'peak dollars earned per race start'. METHODS: Heart rate (HR) and velocity were recorded in 25 Thoroughbred racehorses during trotting and subsequent fast gallops in the field at velocities of 15-16 m/sec. Velocity was recorded by a global positioning system (GPS). Maximal HR (HRmax) and maximal velocity (Vmax) were identified, and a linear regression of HR on velocity for trotting and galloping data was constructed to derive VHRmax. Horses followed the training programme designed by one trainer, had at least 6 race starts and were clinically sound at the time of testing. Race earnings were expressed as the peak dollars per start in the horse's race career. Data were normalised using the results for the square root of 'peak dollars earned per race start' and the significance of associations between variables was determined by correlation coefficient and least square analyses. RESULTS: Horses with higher VHRmax earned significantly more dollars per race start (r = 0.41, P<0.05), and horses with VHRmax less than 14.5 m/sec had mean earnings of less than A$2500 per race. There were no correlations between race earnings and either HRmax or Vmax. CONCLUSION: Field studies of the relationship between HR and velocity with a GPS enable identification of horses with limited earnings. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study demonstrates that a field test of fitness of Thoroughbred racehorses that correlates with retrospective racing ability is feasible. The technique has potential application in commercial training environments assisting with decisions concerning racing careers of individual racehorses.
Hernandez, J., & Hawkins, D. L. (2001). Training failure among yearling horses. Am J Vet Res, 62(9), 1418–1422.
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To compare financial returns between pinhooked yearling horses (ie, bought and trained for approximately 5 months with the goal of selling the horse at “2-year-olds in training” sales) that had mild or severe training failure and horses that had planned versus nonplanned training failure. ANIMALS: 40 Thoroughbred pinhooked yearling horses. PROCEDURE: During the period from September 1998 through and April 1999, 20 horses had mild training failure (1 to 11 days lost), and 20 horses had severe training failure (13 to 108 days lost). Horses were assigned to these 2 groups on the basis of frequency distribution (median) of days lost during training. Horses were also categorized on the basis of type of training failure (planned vs nonplanned training failure). The outcome of primary interest was financial return. Median financial returns were compared among groups by use of the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: Median financial returns for horses that had severe training failure ($1,000) were significantly different, compared with horses that had mild training failure ($24,000). Analysis of results also indicated that median returns were significantly different among horses that had planned training failure (-$2,000; eg, horses with radiographic abnormalities detected during routine prepurchase examinations that required surgical treatment, resulting in days lost during training), compared with horses that did not ($10,000). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Training failure has an economic impact on revenues in pinhooked yearling horses. Lameness, planned training failure, respiratory disease, and ringworm were common and important causes of training failure.
Poncet, P. A., Ionita, J. C., Doherr, M. G., & Steiger, A. (2006). [The influence of the socio-economic structure of the breeding farms of Franches-Montagnes horses on the conditions of husbandry]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 148(4), 183–189.
Abstract: The socio-economic structure of the breeding farms of Franches-Montagnes horses (FM) in Switzerland is evaluated on the basis of an investigation carried out in 2002 by the Swiss FM breeding federation. Questionnaires were sent to 3500 of its members and the results include data from 968 breeding enterprises, housing a total of 3965 FM. The quality of the husbandry of FM varies according to factors such as the altitude and the geographical situation of the farms and studs. Socio-economic parameters, such as the role of FM in the business, their use (breeding, driving, riding) and the age and level of professional education of the owners may also have an effect on standards of husbandry. The results show that the owners for whom FM represent a source of income more frequently keep their horses in standing stalls, but give them more time to exercise at liberty than the horses belonging to amateur breeders. Younger and better educated breeders are more likely to house their animals in groups.