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Bottoms, G.D.; Roesel, O.F.; Rausch, F.D.; Akins, E.L. Circadian variation in plasma cortisol and corticosterone in pigs and mares 1972 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4074 33 785-790 details   openurl
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Vail, R.; Devous, S.; Schwend, S.; Baker, C.B.; Wiesner, L. Diurnal variation of plasma testosterone in wild stallions 1976 Biology of reproduction 149 15 98-101 details   openurl
Krzak, W.E.; Gonyou, H.W.; Lawrence, L.M. Wood chewing by stabled horses: diurnal pattern and effects of exercise 1991 Journal of Animal Science 1949 69 1053-1058 details   openurl
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