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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Reinhardt, I.; Kluth, G.; Nowak, C.; Szentiks, C.A.; Krone, O.; Ansorge, H.; Mueller, T. Military training areas facilitate the recolonization of wolves in Germany 2019 Conservation Letters 6676 12 e12635 details   doi
Seghrouchni, M.; Elkasraoui, H.; Piro, M.; Alyakine, H.; Bouayad, H.; Chakir, J.; Tligui, N.; Elallali, K.; Azrib, R. Osteoarticular radiographic findings of the distal forelimbs in Tbourida Horses 2019 Heliyon 6672 5 e02514 details   doi
Maloney, S.J. The Relationship Between Asymmetry and Athletic Performance: A Critical Review 2019 The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 6662 33 details   url
Steinhoff-Wagner, J. Coat Clipping of Horses: A Survey 2019 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 6613 22 171-187 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Marr, I.; Dobler, A.; Palme, R. Preservation of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites and immunoglobulin A through silica gel drying for field studies in horses 2019 Conservation Physiology 6594 7 details   doi
Edwards, K.L.; Bansiddhi, P.; Paris, S.; Galloway, M.; Brown, J.L. The development of an immunoassay to measure immunoglobulin A in Asian elephant feces, saliva, urine and serum as a potential biomarker of well-being 2019 Conservation Physiology 6591 7 details   doi
Amici, F.; Widdig, A.; Lehmann, J.; Majolo, B. A meta-analysis of interindividual differences in innovation 2019 Animal Behaviour 6589 155 257-268 details   doi
Leliveld, L.M.C. From Science to Practice: A Review of Laterality Research on Ungulate Livestock 2019 Symmetry 6588 11 1157 details   doi
Giljov, A.; Karenina, K. Differential roles of the right and left brain hemispheres in the social interactions of a free-ranging ungulate 2019 Behavioural Processes 6587 168 103959 details   doi
Irving-Pease, E.K.; Ryan, H.; Jamieson, A.; Dimopoulos, E.A.; Larson, G.; Frantz, L.A.F. Paleogenomics of Animal Domestication 2019 Paleogenomics: Genome-Scale Analysis of Ancient DNA 6583 225-272 details   doi
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