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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
López-Bao, J.V.; Sazatornil, V.; Llaneza, L.; Rodríguez, A. Indirect Effects on Heathland Conservation and Wolf Persistence of Contradictory Policies that Threaten Traditional Free-Ranging Horse Husbandry 2013 Conservation Letters 6685 6 448-455 details   doi
Lagos, L. Ecología del lobo (Canis lupus), del poni salvaje (Equus ferus atlanticus) y del ganado vacuno semiextensivo (Bos taurus) en Galicia: interacciones depredador-presa. 2013 Phd thesis 6678 458 details   openurl
Lucidi, P.; Bacco, G.; Sticco, M.; Mazzoleni, G.; Benvenuti, M.; Bernabò, N.; Trentini, R. Assessment of motor laterality in foals and young horses (Equus caballus) through an analysis of derailment at trot 2013 Physiology & Behavior 6666 109 8-13 details   doi
Hunt, G.R.; Gray R.D.; Taylor, A.H. Why is tool use rare in animals? 2013 Tool Use in Animals: Cognition and Ecology 6658 details   openurl
Jankunis, E.S.; Whishaw, I.Q. Sucrose Bobs and Quinine Gapes: Horse (Equus caballus) responses to taste support phylogenetic similarity in taste reactivity 2013 Behavioural Brain Research 6635 256 284-290 details   doi
López-Bao, J.V.; Sazatornil, V.; Llaneza, L.; Rodríguez, A. Indirect Effects on Heathland Conservation and Wolf Persistence of Contradictory Policies that Threaten Traditional Free-Ranging Horse Husbandry 2013 Conservation Letters 6622 6 448-455 details   doi
Vitale, V.; Balocchi, R.; Varanini, M.; Sgorbini, M.; Macerata, A.; Sighieri, C.; Baragli, P. The effects of restriction of movement on the reliability of heart rate variability measurements in the horse (Equus caballus) 2013 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 6618 8 400-403 details   doi
Yarnell, K.; Hall, C.; Billett, E. An assessment of the aversive nature of an animal management procedure (clipping) using behavioral and physiological measures 2013 Physiology & Behavior 6611 118 32-39 details   doi
Brinkmann, L.; Gerken, M.; Riek, A. Effect of long-term feed restriction on the health status and welfare of a robust horse breed, the Shetland pony (Equus ferus caballus) 2013 Research in Veterinary Science 6601 94 826-831 details   doi
Mann Janet; Patterson Eric M. Tool use by aquatic animals 2013 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 6579 368 20120424 details   doi
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