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Bergmüller, R.; Taborsky, M. Animal personality due to social niche specialisation 2010 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 6646 25 504-511 details   doi
Chaplin, S.J.; Gretgrix, L. Effect of housing conditions on activity and lying behaviour of horses 2010 6603 4 792-795 details   doi
Gehring, T.M.; VerCauteren, K.C.; Provost, M.L.; Cellar, A.C. Utility of livestock-protection dogs for deterring wildlife from cattle farms 2010 Wildl. Res. 6575 37 715-721 details   url
McGreevy, P.D.; Harman, A.; McLean, A.; Hawson, L. Over-flexing the horse's neck: A modern equestrian obsession? 2010 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 6501 5 180-186 details   doi
Passilongo, D.; Buccianti, A.; Dessi-Fulgheri, F.; Gazzola, A.; Zaccaronii, M.; Apollonio, M. The Acoustic Structure Of Wolf Howls In Some Eastern Tuscany (Central Italy) Free Ranging Packs 2010 Bioacoustics 6499 19 159-175 details   openurl
Huron, D. Voice Denumerability of Homogeneous Timbres 2010 Music Percept Interdiscip J 6472 6 details   doi
Primack, R.B. Essentials of conservation biology 2010 6444 details   openurl
Frère, C.H.; Krützen, M.; Mann, J.; Connor, R.C.; Bejder, L.; Sherwin, W.B. Social and genetic interactions drive fitness variation in a free-living dolphin population 2010 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 6412 107 19949-19954 details   doi
Sueur, C.; Jacobs, A.; Amblard, F.; Petit, O.; King, A.J. How can social network analysis improve the study of primate behavior? 2010 American Journal of Primatology 6410 73 703-719 details   doi
van de Waal, E.; Bshary, R. Contact with human facilities appears to enhance technical skills in wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) 2010 Folia Primatol 6265 81 details   doi
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