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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Wynne C. D. L. Animal Cognition: The Mental Lives of Animals 2001 6157 details   isbn
Munksgaard, L.; DePassillé, A.M.; Rushen, J.; Herskin, M.S.; Kristensen, A.M. Dairy cows' fear of people: social learning, milk yield and behaviour at milking 2001 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6039 73 15-26 details   doi
Tebbich, S.; Taborsky, M.; Fessl, B.; Blomqvist, D. Do woodpecker finches acquire tool-use by social learning? 2001 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 5914 268 2189-2193 details   doi
Hau, J.; Andersson, E.; Carlsson, H.-E. Development and validation of a sensitive ELISA for quantification of secretory IgA in rat saliva and faeces 2001 Laboratory Animals 5851 35 301-306 details   url
Gibbs, P.G.; Cohen, N.D. Early management of race-bred weanlings and yearlings on farms 2001 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 5758 21 279-283 details   openurl
Ferenc S. Computer-ssisted analysis of the developing brain motor system and coordinated locomotion in the foal 2001 5673 details   openurl
Gröschl, M.; Wagner, R.; Rauh, M.; Dörr, H.G. Stability of salivary steroids: the influences of storage, food and dental care 2001 Steroids 5561 66 737-741 details   doi
Watt, L. M.; McDonnell, S. M. Demonstration of Concept Formation in the Horse. 2001 Equine Behavior Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, August 2001 Interim Report. 5449 details   openurl
Tomasello, M.; Call, J Books Received 2001 Animal Behaviour 5446 61 269-270 details   doi
Harris, L.J.; Almerigi, J.B.; Carbary, T.J.; Fogel, T.G. Left-side infant holding: A test of the hemispheric arousal -attentional hypothesis 2001 Brain and Cognition 5344 46 159-165 details   doi
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