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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Nissen, J. Enzyklopädie der Pferderassen 1998 6543 details   openurl
Animal Acoustic Communication: Sound Analysis and Research Methods 1998 6497 details   openurl
Peters, G.; Tembrock, G. Subharmonics, biphonation, and deterministic chaos in mammal vocalizations 1998 Bioacoustics 6483 9 details   openurl
Gese, E.M.; Ruff, R.L. Howling by coyotes (Canis latrans): variation among social classes, seasons, and pack sizes 1998 Can J Zool 6462 76 details   doi
Breitenmoser, U. Large predators in the Alps: the fall and rise of man's competitors 1998 Biol Conserv 6450 83 details   doi
Whiten, A. Imitation of the sequential structure of actions by chimpanzees 1998 J Comp Psychol 6291 11 details   doi
Zohary, D.; Tchernov, E.; Horwitz, L.K. The role of unconscious selection in the domestication of sheep and goats 1998 J Zool 6240 245 details   doi
Mench, J.A.; Morrow-Tesch, J.; Chu, L.-R. Environmental enrichment for farm animals 1998 Lab Animal 6188 27 32-36 details   isbn
Klingel, H. Observations on social organization and behaviour of African and Asiatic Wild Asses (Equus africanus and Equus hemionus) 1998 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6173 60 103-113 details   doi
Daniel, J.C.; Mikulka, P.J. Discrimination learning in the white rhinoceros 1998 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6145 58 197-202 details   doi
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