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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Harrington, F.H.; Mech, L.D. Wolf howling and its role in territory maintenance 1979 Behaviour 6455 68 details   doi
Asa, C.S.; Goldfoot, D.A.; Ginther, O.J. Sociosexual behavior and the ovulatory cycle of ponies (Equus caballus) observed in harem groups 1979 Hormones and Behavior 5363 13 49-65 details   doi
Wells, S.; von Goldschmidt-Rotschild, B. Social behaviour and relationships in a herd of Camargue horses 1979 Z Tierpsychologie 5107 49 363-380. details   doi
Holm, S. A simple sequentially rejective multiple test procedure 1979 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 5005 6 65-70 details   url
Rappolt, G. A.; John, J.; Thompson, N. S. Canine responses to familiar and unfamiliar humans 1979 Aggressive Behavior 4978 5 155-161 details   doi
Roberts, S. Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology 1979 4931 details   openurl
Hinde R. A. Towards Understanding Relationships (European Monographs in Social Psychology) 1979 4814 379 details   isbn
Fiske, J.C.; Potter, G.D. Discrimination reversal learning in yearling horses 1979 J. Anim. Sci. 4583 49 583-588 details   doi
Houpt, K.A. Intelligence of the horse 1979 Equine Pract. 4597 1 20-26 details   openurl
Graham, M.; Letz, R. Within-species variation in the development of ultrasonic signaling of preweanling rats 1979 Developmental Psychobiology 4172 12 129-136 details   doi
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