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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Rowell, T.E. Social Behavior of Monkeys 1972 4873 details   openurl
Nelder, J.A.; Wedderburn, R.W.M. Generalized Linear Models 1972 4369 135 370-384 details   openurl
Rumbaugh, D.M.; Riesen, A.H.; Wright, S.C. Creative responsiveness to objects: a report of a pilot study with young apes 1972 Folia Primatologica; International Journal of Primatology 4183 17 397-403 details   openurl
Bottoms, G.D.; Roesel, O.F.; Rausch, F.D.; Akins, E.L. Circadian variation in plasma cortisol and corticosterone in pigs and mares 1972 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4074 33 785-790 details   openurl
Zentall TR; Levine JM Observational learning and social facilitation in the rat 1972 Science 3053 178 1220 details   openurl
Amsterdam BK Mirror self-image reactions before age two 1972 Dev. Psychol. 2976 5 297 details   openurl
Bell, F.R. Sleep in the larger domesticated animals 1972 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 2826 65 176-177 details   openurl
Scherer, W.F.; Dickerman, R.W. Ecologic studies of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in southeastern Mexico. 8. Correlations and conclusions 1972 The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2721 21 86-89 details   openurl
Nosek, J. The ecology and public health importance of Dermacentor marginatus and D. reticulatus ticks in Central Europe 1972 Folia Parasitologica 2720 19 93-102 details   openurl
Chmel, L.; Hasilikova, A.; Hrasko, J.; Vlacilikova, A. The influence of some ecological factors on keratinophilic fungi in the soil 1972 Sabouraudia 2719 10 26-34 details   openurl
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