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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Rosenzweig, M.R. Representations of the Two Ears at the Auditory Cortex 1951 American Journal of Physiology -- Legacy Content 5359 167 147-158 details   url
Landau, H. On dominance relations and the structure of animal societies: I. Effect of inherent characteristics 1951 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 4287 13 1-19 details   doi
Verheyen R, Contribution l'Etude Ethologique des Mammifüres du Parc National de L'Upemba (Eqqus quagga boehmi Matschie) 1951 1677 98 102 details   openurl
Verheyen J, Equus quagga Böhmi 1951 1676 98 102 details   openurl
Simpson Gg, Horses 1951 1593 details   openurl
Rzasnicki A, Zebras and quaggas 1951 1546 16 203-252 details   openurl
Menzies Ji, Man and the zebra 1951 1388 1 127-133 details   openurl
Lundholm B, A skull of the true quagga in the collection of the Tranvaal Museum 1951 1355 47 307-312 details   openurl
Howell Ce, R.W. Environmental sources of variation in the length of the horse 1951 1204 10 789-796 details   openurl
Hoffstetter R, La structure des incisives infürieuses chez les équides modernes. Importance dans la classification des zébres couaggas 1951 1193 22 684-692 details   openurl
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