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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Passilongo, D.; Marchetto, M.; Apollonio, M. Singing in a wolf chorus: structure and complexity of a multicomponent acoustic behaviour 2017 Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 6441 28 180-185 details   doi
Pacheco, M.A.; Herrera, E.A. Social Structure of Feral Horses in the Llanos of Venezuela 1977 Journal of Mammalogy 2318 78 15-22 details   doi
Berger J. Interspecific Interactions and Dominance among Wild Great Basin Ungulates 1985 Journal of Mammalogy 2231 66 . 571-573 details   doi
Pluhácek,j.; Bartos,L.; Víchová,J. Variation In Incidence Of Male Infanticide Within Subspecies Of Plains Zebra (Equus Burchelli) 2006 Journal of Mammalogy 2212 87 35-40 details   doi
Berger, J.; Rudman, R. Predation and Interactions between Coyotes and Feral Horse Foals 1985 ournal of Mammalogy 2017 66 401-402 details   doi
Keast, A. Interrelationship of two zebra species in an overlap zone 1965 Journal of Mammalogy 1248 46 53-65 details   doi
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