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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Gittleman, J.L. Carnivore Life History Patterns: Allometric, Phylogenetic, and Ecological Associations 1986 The American Naturalist 5453 127 744-771 details   doi
Conradt, L.; Krause, J.; Couzin, I. D.; Roper, T. J. “Leading According to Need” in Self-Organizing Groups 2009 The American Naturalist 5121 173 304-312 details   doi
Detto, T.; Jennions, M. D.; Backwell, P. R. Y. When and Why Do Territorial Coalitions Occur? Experimental Evidence from a Fiddler Crab 2010 The American Naturalist 5112 175 E119-E125 details   doi
Gosden, T. P.; Svensson, E. I. Density-Dependent Male Mating Harassment, Female Resistance, and Male Mimicry 2009 The American Naturalist 4999 173 709-721 details   doi
Horrocks, J.A.; Hunte, W. Rank Relations in Vervet Sisters: A Critique of the Role of Reproductive Value 1983 The American Naturalist 4903 122 417-421 details   doi
Pruett-Jones, S. Independent Versus Nonindependent Mate Choice: Do Females Copy Each Other? 1992 The American Naturalist 2182 140 1000-1009 details   url
Dubois, F.; Giraldeau, L.-A. The forager's dilemma: food sharing and food defense as risk-sensitive foraging options 2003 The American Naturalist 2132 162 768-779 details   openurl
Dubois, F.; Giraldeau, L.-A.; Hamilton, I.M.; Grant, J.W.A.; Lefebvre, L. Distraction sneakers decrease the expected level of aggression within groups: a game-theoretic model 2004 The American Naturalist 2130 164 E32-45 details   doi
Uehara, T.; Yokomizo, H.; Iwasa, Y. Mate-choice copying as Bayesian decision making 2005 The American naturalist 1821 165 403-410 details   doi
Cameron, E.Z.; du Toit, J.T. Winning by a neck: tall giraffes avoid competing with shorter browsers 2007 The American naturalist 410 169 130-135 details   doi
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