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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Bernstein, I. S. Dominance, aggression and reproduction in primate societies 1976 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5441 60 459-472 details   doi
Mesterton-Gibbons, M.; Gavrilets, S.; Gravner, J.; Akçay, E. Models of coalition or alliance formation 2011 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5322 274 187-204 details   doi
Couzin, I.D.; Krause, J.; James, R.; Ruxton, G.D.; Franks, N.R. Collective Memory and Spatial Sorting in Animal Groups 2002 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5310 218 1-11 details   doi
Seyfarth, R.M. A model of social grooming among adult female monkeys 1977 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5259 65 671-698 details   doi
Gueron, S.; Levin, S.A.; Rubenstein, D.I. The Dynamics of Herds: From Individuals to Aggregations 1996 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5253 182 85-98 details   doi
Hamilton, W.D. The genetical evolution of social behaviour. I 1964 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5160 7 1-52 details   doi
Hemelrijk C K A matrix partial correlation test used in investigations of reciprocity and other social interaction patterns at group level 1990 Journal of theoretical biology 5050 143 405-420 details   url
Parker, G.A. Assessment strategy and the evolution of fighting behaviour 1974 Journal of Theoretical Biology 4935 47 223-243 details   doi
Marinier, S.L.; Alexander, A.J. Coprophagy as an avenue for foals of the domestic horse to learn food preferences from their dams 1995 Journal of Theoretical Biology 3626 173 121-124 details   doi
Thierry, B. Feedback loop between kinship and dominance: the macaque model 1990 Journal of Theoretical Biology 867 145 511-522 details   url
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