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Wilson, M.T.; Ranson, R.J.; Masiakowski, P.; Czarnecka, E.; Brunori, M. A kinetic study of the pH-dependent properties of the ferric undecapeptide of cytochrome c (microperoxidase) 1977 European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 3814 77 193-199 details   openurl
Andersson, P.; Kvassman, J.; Lindstrom, A.; Olden, B.; Pettersson, G. Effect of NADH on the pKa of zinc-bound water in liver alcohol dehydrogenase 1981 European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 3810 113 425-433 details   openurl
Rodier, F. [Spectral properties of porcine plasminogen: study of the acidic transition (author's transl)] 1976 European journal of biochemistry / FEBS 22 63 553-562 details   openurl
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