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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Goursot, C.; Düpjan, S.; Puppe, B.; Leliveld, L.M.C. Affective styles and emotional lateralization: A promising framework for animal welfare research 2021 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6698 237 105279 details   doi
Christensen, J.W.; Munk, R.; Hawson, L.; Palme, R.; Larsen, T.; Egenvall, A.; König von Borstel, U.U.; Rørvang, M.V. Rider effects on horses' conflict behaviour, rein tension, physiological measures and rideability scores 2021 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6696 234 105184 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Trager, L.; Farmer, K.; Byrne, R. Tool Use in Horses 2022 Animals 6695 12 1876 details   doi
Janczarek, I.; Wisniewska, A.; Chruszczewski, M.H.; Tkaczyk, E.; Górecka-Bruzda, A. Social Behaviour of Horses in Response to Vocalisations of Predators 2020 Animals 6675 10 details   doi
Cerasoli, F.; Podaliri Vulpiani, M.; Saluti, G.; Conte, A.; Ricci, M.; Savini, G.; D'Alterio, N. Assessment of Welfare in Groups of Horses with Different Management, Environments and Activities by Measuring Cortisol in Horsehair, Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Hybrid Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry 2022 Animals 6674 12 details   doi
Carson, K.; Wood-Gush, D.G.M. Equine behaviour: I. A review of the literature on social and dam--Foal behaviour 1983 Applied Animal Ethology 6671 10 165-178 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Schwarz, S.; Marr, I.; Farmer, K. Laterality in Horse Training: Psychological and Physical Balance and Coordination and Strength Rather Than Straightness 2022 Animals 6670 12 1042 details   doi
Schwarz, S.; Marr, I.; Farmer, K.; Graf, K.; Stefanski, V.; Krueger, K. Does Carrying a Rider Change Motor and Sensory Laterality in Horses? 2022 Animals 6667 12 992 details   doi
Hunt, G.R.; Gray R.D.; Taylor, A.H. Why is tool use rare in animals? 2013 Tool Use in Animals: Cognition and Ecology 6658 details   openurl
Mejdell, C.M.; Buvik, T.; Jørgensen, G.H.M.; Bøe, K.E. Horses can learn to use symbols to communicate their preferences 2016 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6651 184 66-73 details   doi
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