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Romano, N.; Vitale, F.; Alesi, D.R.; Bonura, F.; La Licata, R.; Intonazzo, V.; Dardanoni, G.; Mammina, C. The changing pattern of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in intravenous drug users. Results of a six-year seroprevalence study in Palermo, Italy 1992 American Journal of Epidemiology 5258 135 1189-1196 details   doi
Menges, R.W.; Furcolow, M.L.; Selby, L.A.; Habermann, R.T.; Smith, C.D. Ecologic studies of histoplasmosis 1967 American Journal of Epidemiology 2747 85 108-119 details   openurl
Sudia, W.D.; Fernandez, L.; Newhouse, V.F.; Sanz, R.; Calisher, C.H. Arbovirus vector ecology studies in Mexico during the 1972 Venezuelan equine encephalitis outbreak 1975 American Journal of Epidemiology 2706 101 51-58 details   openurl
Scherer, W.F.; Madalengoitia, J.; Flores, W.; Acosta, M. Ecologic studies of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in Peru during 1970-1971 1975 American Journal of Epidemiology 2705 101 347-355 details   openurl
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