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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Salmivalli, C.; Lagerspetz, K.; Björkqvist, K.; Österman, K.; Kaukiainen, A. Bullying as a group process: Participant roles and their relations to social status within the group 1996 Aggressive Behavior 5435 22 1-15 details   doi
Rappolt, G. A.; John, J.; Thompson, N. S. Canine responses to familiar and unfamiliar humans 1979 Aggressive Behavior 4978 5 155-161 details   doi
Joynson, R. B. Towards understanding relationships, by Robert A. Hinde. London: Academic, 1979, pp xii + 367 1981 Aggressive Behavior 4813 7 275-280 details   doi
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