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Dingemanse, N.J.; Both, C.; Drent, P.J.; van Oers, K.; van Noordwijk, A.J. Repeatability and heritability of exploratory behaviour in great tits from the wild 2002 Animal Behaviour 5389 64 929-938 details   doi
Drent, P.J.; van Oers, K.; van Noordwijk, A.J. Realized heritability of personalities in the great tit (Parus major) 2003 Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 591 270 45-51 details   doi
Fucikova, E.; Drent, P. J.; Smits,N.; van Oers, K. Handling Stress as a Measurement of Personality in Great Tit Nestlings (Parus major) 2009 Ethology 5072 115 366 - 374 details   doi
Kurvers, R.H.J.M.; Eijkelenkamp, B.; van Oers, K.; van Lith, B.; van Wieren, S.E.; Ydenberg, R.C.; Prins, H.H.T. Personality differences explain leadership in barnacle geese 2009 Animal Behaviour. 5172 78 447-453 details   doi
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