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Hausberger, M.; Le Scolan, N.; Muller, C.; Gautier, E.; Wolff, A. Individual behavioural characteristics in horses: predictability, endogenous and environmental factors 1996 Journée d`Etude 5023 22 113- 123 details   openurl
Le Scolan, N.; Hausberger, M.; Wolff, A. Stability over situations in temperamental traits of horses as revealed by experimental and scoring approaches 1997 Behavioural Processes 3591 41 257-266 details   doi
Wolff, A.; Hausberger, M. Behaviour of foals before weaning may have some genetic basis 1994 Ethology 5022 96 1-10 details   doi
Wolff, A.; Hausberger, M. Learning and memorisation of two different tasks in horses: the effects of age, sex and sire 1996 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 855 46 137-143 details   url
Wolff, A.; Hausberger, M.; Le Scolan, N. Experimental tests to assess emotionality in horses 1997 Behavioural Processes 5018 40 209-221 details   doi
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