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Connor, R.C.; Mann, J.; Tyack, P.L.; Whitehead, H. Social evolution in toothed whales 1998 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 4789 13 228-232 details   doi
Lusseau, D.; Whitehead, H.; Gero, S. Incorporating uncertainty into the study of animal social networks 2008 Animal Behaviour. 5173 75 1809-1815 details   doi
Whitehead, H. SOCPROG programs: analysing animal social structures 2009 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 5026 63 765-778 details   doi
Whitehead, H. Precision and power in the analysis of social structure using associations 2008 Animal Behaviour. 4692 75 1093-1099 details   doi
Whitehead, H.; Dufault, S. Techniques for Analyzing Vertebrate Social Structure Using Identified Individuals: Review and Recommendations 1999 4987 Volume 28 33-74 details   doi
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