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Bergmüller, R.; Taborsky, M. Animal personality due to social niche specialisation 2010 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 6646 25 504-511 details   doi
Tebbich, S.; Taborsky, M.; Fessl, B.; Blomqvist, D. Do woodpecker finches acquire tool-use by social learning? 2001 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 5914 268 2189-2193 details   doi
Mersmann, D.; Tomasello, M.; Call, J.; Kaminski, J.; Taborsky, M. Simple Mechanisms Can Explain Social Learning in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) 2011 Ethology 5409 117 675-690 details   doi
Riebli, T.; Avgan, B.; Bottini, A.-M.; Duc, C.; Taborsky, M.; Heg, D. Behavioural type affects dominance and growth in staged encounters of cooperatively breeding cichlids 2011 Animal Behaviour. 5319 81 313-323 details   doi
Tebbich, S.; Taborsky, M.; Winkler, H. Social manipulation causes cooperation in keas 1996 2189 52 1-10 details   doi
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