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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Solomatin Ao, Kulan. 1973 1623 details   openurl
Solomatin Ao, Kulan, E. hemionus. Vestu ccl 1964 1621 28 178-192 details   openurl
Solomatin Ao, The reproduction and behaviour by onager 1964 1622 69 71-82 details   openurl
Solomatin Ao, On the winter onager life in Badhys Reservation. (South – East Turkmenistan). Bull M.O. va isp 1960 1619 65 18-26 details   openurl
Solomatin Ao, Blutsaugende und Wurmparasiten beim Kulan 1618 details   openurl
Solomatin Ao, The coloration and molting in the kulan 1620 67 23-33 details   openurl
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