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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Smuts Gl, Population characteristics of Burchell's Zebra in the Krüger National Park 1976 1614 6 99-112 details   openurl
Smuts Gl, Reproduction in the zebra mare from Krüger National Park 1976 1615 19 89-132 details   openurl
Smuts Gl, Reproduction in the zebra stallion from the Krüger National Park 1976 1616 11 207-220 details   openurl
Smuts Gl, Home range sizes for Burchell's Zebra, Equus burchelli antiquorum from the Krüger National Park 1975 1612 18 139-146 details   openurl
Smuts Gl, Pre – and postnatal growth phenomena of Burchell's Zebra, Equus Burchelli Antiquorum 1975 1613 18 69-102 details   openurl
Smuts Gl, Age determination in Burchell's Zebra in the Krüger National Park 1974 1611 4 103-115 details   openurl
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