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Fernández-Juricic,E.; Smith, R.; Kacelnik,A. Increasing the costs of conspecific scanning in socially foraging starlings affects vigilance and foraging behaviour 2005 Animal Behaviour. 2105 69 73-81 details   doi
Houpt, K.A.; Smith, R. Animal behavior case of the month 1993 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 37 203 377-378 details   openurl
Kasashima, Y.; Takahashi, T.; Smith, R.K.W.; Goodship, A.E.; Kuwano, A.; Ueno, T.; Hirano, S. Prevalence of superficial digital flexor tendonitis and suspensory desmitis in Japanese Thoroughbred flat racehorses in 1999 2004 Equine Veterinary Journal 3775 36 346-350 details   openurl
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