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Marfin, A.A.; Petersen, L.R.; Eidson, M.; Miller, J.; Hadler, J.; Farello, C.; Werner, B.; Campbell, G.L.; Layton, M.; Smith, P.; Bresnitz, E.; Cartter, M.; Scaletta, J.; Obiri, G.; Bunning, M.; Craven, R.C.; Roehrig, J.T.; Julian, K.G.; Hinten, S.R.; Gubler, D.J. Widespread West Nile virus activity, eastern United States, 2000 2001 Emerging Infectious Diseases 2646 7 730-735 details   openurl
Zentall, T.R.; Jackson-Smith, P.; Jagielo, J.A.; Nallan, G.B. Categorical shape and color coding by pigeons 1986 Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes 262 12 153-159 details   openurl
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