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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Sighieri, C.; Tedeschi, D.; De Andreis, C.; Petri, L.; Baragli, P. Behaviour Patterns of Horses Can be Used to Establish a Dominant-Subordinate Relationship Between Man and Horse 2003 6713 12 705-708 details   doi
Vitale, V.; Balocchi, R.; Varanini, M.; Sgorbini, M.; Macerata, A.; Sighieri, C.; Baragli, P. The effects of restriction of movement on the reliability of heart rate variability measurements in the horse (Equus caballus) 2013 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 6618 8 400-403 details   doi
Baragli, P.; Vitale, V.; Paoletti, E.; Mengoli, M.; Sighieri, C. Encoding the Object Position for Assessment of Short Term Spatial Memory in Horses (Equus caballus) 2011 International Journal of Comparative Psychology 6178 24 details   url
Baragli, P.; Paoletti, E.; Vitale, V.; Sighieri, C. Looking in the correct location for a hidden object: brief note about the memory of donkeys (Equus asinus) 2011 Ethology Ecology & Evolution 6177 23 187-192 details   doi
Lovrovich, P.; Sighieri, C.; Baragli, P. Following human-given cues or not? Horses (Equus caballus) get smarter and change strategy in a delayed three choice task 2015 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5849 166 80-88 details   doi
Baragli, P.; Vitale, V.; Paoletti, E.; Sighieri, C.; Reddon, A.R. Detour behaviour in horses (Equus caballus) 2011 Journal of Ethology 5686 29 227-234 details   doi
Lovrovich, P.; Sighieri, C.; Baragli, P. The human-given cues and behavioural plasticity of horses during a delayed three choice task 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5547 in press details   pdf openurl
Baragli, P.; Mariti, C.; Petri, L.; De Giorgio, F.; Sighieri, C. Does attention make the difference? Horses' response to human stimulus after 2 different training strategies 2011 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 5286 6 31-38 details   doi
Cozzi, A.; Sighieri, C.; Gazzano, A.; Nicol, C.J.; Baragli, P. Post-conflict friendly reunion in a permanent group of horses (Equus caballus) 2010 Behavioural Processes 5168 85 185-190 details   doi
Baragli, P.; Tedeschi, D.; Masini, A.P.; Magnaghi, N.; Martelli, F.; Sighieri, C. Estimation of performance in elite endurance horses by means of an exercise test in field conditions 2001 Ippologia 4654 12 13-19 details   openurl
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