Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Beran, M.; Rumbaugh, D. |
“Constructive” enumeration by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) on a computerized task |
2001 |
Animal Cognition |
3329 |
4 |
81-89 |
Beran, M.J.; Pate, J.L.; Washburn, D.A.; Rumbaugh, D.M. |
Sequential responding and planning in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) |
2004 |
Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes |
2767 |
30 |
203-212 |
Rumbaugh, D.M.; Riesen, A.H.; Wright, S.C. |
Creative responsiveness to objects: a report of a pilot study with young apes |
1972 |
Folia Primatologica; International Journal of Primatology |
4183 |
17 |
397-403 |
Rumbaugh, D.M.; Savage-Rumbaugh, S.; Hegel, M.T. |
Summation in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) |
1987 |
Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes |
2785 |
13 |
107-115 |