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Lansade, L.; Colson, V.; Parias, C.; Trösch, M.; Reigner, F.; Calandreau, L. Female horses spontaneously identify a photograph of their keeper, last seen six months previously 2020 Scientific Reports 6623 10 6302 details   doi
Peugnet, P.; Wimel, L.; Duchamp, G.; Sandersen, C.; Camous, S.; Guillaume, D.; Dahirel, M.; Dubois, C.; Jouneau, L.; Reigner, F.; Berthelot, V.; Chaffaux, S.; Tarrade, A.; Serteyn, D.; Chavatte-Palmer, P. Enhanced or Reduced Fetal Growth Induced by Embryo Transfer into Smaller or Larger Breeds Alters Post-Natal Growth and Metabolism in Pre-Weaning Horses 2014 PLoS ONE 5910 9 e102044 EP - details   doi
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