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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Pocock Ri, Photographs of Burchel's and Wahlberg's Quaggas 1909 1479 7 415-419 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, Notes on the quagga and Burchell's Zebra in the Paris Museum 1907 1477 7 516-521 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, The cape Colony Quaggas 1904 1476 7 313-328 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, A new arrangement of the existing species of equidae, with the description of a new subspecies of “zebra” 1902 1475 7 304-328 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, The species and subspecies of zebras 1897 1474 6 33-52 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, On the agriotype of domestic asses 1473 523 528 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, On the colours of horses, zebras and Tapirs 1478 8 404-415 details   openurl
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