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Petherick, J.C.; Rutter, S.M. Quantifying motivation using a computer-controlled push-door 1990 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6165 27 159-167 details   doi
Petherick, J.C.; Seawright, E.; Waddington, D. Influence of motivational state on choice of food or a dustbathing/foraging substrate by domestic hens 1993 Behavioural Processes 3608 28 209-220 details   doi
Duncan, I.J.H.; Widowski, T.M.; Malleau, A.E.; Lindberg, A.C.; Petherick, J.C. External factors and causation of dustbathing in domestic hens 1998 Behavioural Processes 3607 43 219-228 details   doi
Petherick, J.C.; Waddington, D.; Duncan, I.J.H. Learning to gain access to a foraging and dustbathing substrate by domestic fowl: is `out of sight out of mind'? 1991 Behavioural Processes 3609 22 213-226 details   url
Duncan, I.J.H.; Petherick, J.C. Proceeding (Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the Society for Veterinary Ethology, London, Great Britain, 30 November 1988)Cognition: The implications for animal welfare 1989 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2921 24 81-1010 details   url
Duncan, I.J.; Petherick, J.C. The implications of cognitive processes for animal welfare 1991 Journal of Animal Science 2753 69 5017-5022 details   openurl
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