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Devinsky, O.; Boesch, J.M.; Cerda-Gonzalez, S.; Coffey, B.; Davis, K.; Friedman, D.; Hainline, B.; Houpt, K.; Lieberman, D.; Perry, P.; Prüss, H.; Samuels, M.A.; Small, G.W.; Volk, H.; Summerfield, A.; Vite, C.; Wisniewski, T.; Natterson-Horowitz, B. A cross-species approach to disorders affecting brain and behaviour 2018 Nature Reviews Neurology 6420 details   doi
Houpt, K.A.; Perry, P.J.; Hintz, H.F.; Houpt, T.R. Effect of meal frequency on fluid balance and behavior of ponies 1988 Physiology & behavior 47 42 401-407 details   openurl
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