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Rendall, D.; Seyfarth, R.M.; Cheney, D.L.; Owren, M.J. The meaning and function of grunt variants in baboons 1999 Animal Behaviour. 696 57 583-592 details   doi
Owren, M.J.; Dieter, J.A.; Seyfarth, R.M.; Cheney, D.L. Vocalizations of rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese (M. fuscata) macaques cross-fostered between species show evidence of only limited modification 1993 Developmental psychobiology 700 26 389-406 details   doi
Owren, M.J.; Seyfarth, R.M.; Cheney, D.L. The acoustic features of vowel-like grunt calls in chacma baboons (Papio cyncephalus ursinus): implications for production processes and functions 1997 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 698 101 2951-2963 details   openurl
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