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Neiworth, J.J.; Hassett, J.M.; Sylvester, C.J. Face processing in humans and new world monkeys: the influence of experiential and ecological factors 2007 Animal Cognition 2454 10 125-134 details   doi
Neiworth, J.J.; Steinmark, E.; Basile, B.M.; Wonders, R.; Steely, F.; DeHart, C. A test of object permanence in a new-world monkey species, cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) 2003 Animal Cognition 2583 6 27-37 details   doi
Rilling, M.E.; Neiworth, J.J. How animals use images 1991 Science Progress 2831 75 439-452 details   openurl
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