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Dyson, S.; Murray, R. Pain associated with the sacroiliac joint region: a clinical study of 74 horses 2003 Equine Veterinary Journal 3723 35 240-245 details   openurl
Murray, R.C.; Branch, M.V.; Dyson, S.J.; Parkin, T.D.H.; Goodship, A.E. How does exercise intensity and type affect equine distal tarsal subchondral bone thickness? 2007 Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 4021 102 2194-2200 details   doi
Murray, R.C.; Dyson, S.J.; Tranquille, C.; Adams, V. Association of type of sport and performance level with anatomical site of orthopaedic injury diagnosis 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3703 411-416 details   openurl
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