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Palme, R.; Moestl, E. Measurement of cortisol metabolites in faeces of sheep as a parameter of cortisol concentration in blood 1997 Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 6044 62 192-197 details   openurl
Flauger, B.; Krueger, K.; Gerhards, H.; Moestl, E. Measurement of glucocorticoid metabolites in horse faeces: the validation of different group specific enzymeimmunoassays and extraction methods. 2009 Proceeding of the 102. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG). 5718 166 details   isbn
Kralj-Fiser, S.; Scheiber, I.B.R.; Blejec, A.; Moestl, E.; Kotrschal, K. Individualities in a flock of free-roaming greylag geese: behavioral and physiological consistency over time and across situations 2007 Hormones and Behavior 4189 51 239-248 details   doi
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