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Merkies, K.; Isensee, A.; MacGregor, H.; Koenig von Borstel, U.; Tucker, A.; Carson. J.; Bergeron, R. Influence of psychological and physiological arousal in humans on horse heart rate and behaviour 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5545 in press details   pdf openurl
Merkies, K.; McKechnie, M.J.; Zakrajsek, E. Behavioural and physiological responses of therapy horses to mentally traumatized humans 2018 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6385 details   doi
von Borstel, U.U.; Duncan, I.J.H.; Shoveller, A.K.; Merkies, K.; Keeling, L.J.; Millman, S.T. Impact of riding in a coercively obtained Rollkur posture on welfare and fear of performance horses 2009 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5096 116 228-236 details   doi
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