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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Hartmann, E.; Christensen, J.W.; McGreevy, P.D. Dominance and Leadership: Useful Concepts in Human-Horse Interactions? 2017 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 6712 52 1-9 details   doi
McGreevy, P.D.; McLean, A.N. Punishment in horse-training and the concept of ethical equitation 2009 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 6599 4 193-197 details   doi
McGreevy, P.D.; Harman, A.; McLean, A.; Hawson, L. Over-flexing the horse's neck: A modern equestrian obsession? 2010 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 6501 5 180-186 details   doi
Hartmann, E.; Christensen, J.W.; McGreevy, P.D. Dominance and leadership: Useful concepts in human-horse interactions? Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 6048 details   doi
McGreevy, P.D.; Oddie, C.; Burton, F.L.; McLean, A.N. The horse–human dyad: Can we align horse training and handling activities with the equid social ethogram? 2009 The Veterinary Journal 5729 181 12-18 details   doi
Batt, L.S.; Batt, M.S.; Baguley, J.A.; McGreevy, P.D. The relationships between motor lateralization, salivary cortisol concentrations and behavior in dogs 2009 Journal of Veterinary Behaviour 5383 4 216-222 details   doi
Tomkins, L.M.; Williams, K.A.; Thomson, P.C.; McGreevy, P.D. Sensory Jump Test as a measure of sensory (visual) lateralization in dogs (Canis familiaris) 2010 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 5379 5 256-267 details   doi
Tomkins, L.M.; McGreevy, P.D.; Branson, N.J. Lack of standardization in reporting motor laterality in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) 2010 Journal of Veterinary Behaviour 5378 5 235-239 details   doi
Heleski, C.R.; McGreevy, P.D.; Kaiser, L.J.; Lavagnino, M.; Tans, E.; Bello, N.; Clayton, H.M. Effects on behaviour and rein tension on horses ridden with or without martingales and rein inserts 2009 The Veterinary Journal 4807 181 56-62 details   doi
Clegg, H.A.; Buckley, P.; Friend, M.A.; McGreevy, P.D. The ethological and physiological characteristics of cribbing and weaving horses 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4768 109 68-76 details   doi
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