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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
McGreevy, P.; Berger, J.; De Brauwere, N.; Doherty, O.; Harrison, A.; Fiedler, J.; Jones, C.; McDonnell, S.; McLean, A.; Nakonechny, L.; Nicol, C.; Preshaw, L.; Thomson, P.; Tzioumis, V.; Webster, J.; Wolfensohn, S.; Yeates, J.; Jones, B Using the Five Domains Model to Assess the Adverse Impacts of Husbandry, Veterinary, and Equitation Interventions on Horse Welfare. 2018 Animals 6606 8 41 details   doi
McDonnell, S. Understanding horse behavior. Your guide to horse health care and management 1999 6155 99 pp. details   isbn
Watt, L. M.; McDonnell, S. M. Demonstration of Concept Formation in the Horse. 2001 Equine Behavior Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, August 2001 Interim Report. 5449 details   openurl
Mills, D.S.; McDonnell, S. M. (eds) The Domestic Horse 2005 4750 details   url
Verrill, S.; McDonnell, S. Equal Outcomes with and without Human-to-Horse Eye Contact When Catching Horses and Ponies in an Open Pasture 2008 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 4711 28 309-312 details   doi
Grogan, E.H.; McDonnell, S.M. Mare and Foal Bonding and Problems 2005 Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice 4671 4 228-237 details   doi
McDonnell, S.M. Human-horse interactions: Where are the behaviorists in 2008? 2008 IESM 2008 4460 details   pdf openurl
Strand, S.C.; Tiefenbacher, S.; Haskell, M.; Hosmer, T.; McDonnell, S.M.; Freeman, D.A. Behavior and physiologic responses of mares to short-term isolation 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3644 78 145-157 details   doi
McDonnell, S.M.; Poulin, A. Equid play ethogram 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1987 78 263-290 details   url
McDonnell, S.M. More on self-mutilative behavior in horses 1993 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1943 202 1545-1546 details   openurl
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