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Innes, L.; McBride, S. Negative versus positive reinforcement: An evaluation of training strategies for rehabilitated horses 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5644 112 357-368 details   doi
McBride, S.D.; Cuddeford, D. The Putative Welfare-Reducing Effects of Preventing Equine Stereotypic Behaviour 2001 Animal Welfare 2012 10 173-189 details   url
McBride, S.D.; Hemmings, A.; Robinson, K. A preliminary study on the effect of massage to reduce stress in the horse 2004 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 3617 24 76-81 details   doi
McBride, S.D.; Long, L. Management of horses showing stereotypic behaviour, owner perception and the implications for welfare 2001 The Veterinary Record 1918 148 799-802 details   openurl
McBride, S.D.; Parker, M.O.; Roberts, K.; Hemmings, A. Applied neurophysiology of the horse; implications for training, husbandry and welfare 2017 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6627 190 90-101 details   doi
McBride, S.D.; Wolf, B. Using multivariate statistical analysis to measure ovine temperament; stability of factor construction over time and between groups of animals 2007 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 295 103 45-58 details   doi
Parker, M.; Redhead, E.S.; Goodwin, D.; McBride, S.D. Impaired instrumental choice in crib-biting horses (Equus caballus) 2008 Behavioural Brain Research 4830 191 137-140 details   doi
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