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Dalmau, A.; Ferret, A.; Chacon, G.; Manteca, X. Seasonal Changes in Fecal Cortisol Metabolites in Pyrenean Chamois 2007 Journal of Wildlife Management 4254 71 190-194 details   doi
Figueroa, J.; Solà-Oriol, D.; Manteca, X.; Pérez, J.F. Social learning of feeding behaviour in pigs: Effects of neophobia and familiarity with the demonstrator conspecific 2013 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6038 148 120-127 details   doi
Mormède, P.; Andanson, S.; Aupérin, B.; Beerda, B.; Guémené, D.; Malmkvist, J.; Manteca, X.; Manteuffel, G.; Prunet, P.; van Reenen, C.G.; Richard, S.; Veissier, I. Exploration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function as a tool to evaluate animal welfare 2007 Physiology & Behavior 4454 92 317-339 details   doi
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