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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
Cunningham, E.; Janson, C. A socioecological perspective on primate cognition, past and present 2007 Animal Cognition 2410
Cunningham, E.; Janson, C. Integrating information about location and value of resources by white-faced saki monkeys ( Pithecia pithecia ) 2007 Animal Cognition 3209 10 293-304
Dwan, K.; Altman, D.G.; Arnaiz, J.A.; Bloom, J.; Chan, A.-W.; Cronin, E.; Decullier, E.; Easterbrook, P.J.; Von Elm, E.; Gamble, C.; Ghersi, D.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Simes, J.; Williamson, P.R. Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence of Study Publication Bias and Outcome Reporting Bias 2008 Plos One 6644 3 e3081
Jacquot, M.; Grosjean, A., Emrot, C.; Van-Erck-Westergem, E.; Schwartz, C.; Tomberg, C. Effects of a walk phase at the warm up onset on physiological and behavioural parameters of ridden horses (Equus caballus) 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5897
M, E.; östl,.; Messmann, S.; Bagu, E.; Robia, C.; Palme, R. Measurement of Glucocorticoid Metabolite Concentrations in Faeces of Domestic Livestock 1999 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 6043 46 621-631
Mitchell, D.; Kirschbaum, E.H.; Perry, R.L. Effects of neophobia and habituation on the poison-induced avoidance of exteroceptive stimuli in the rat 1975 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2791 1 47-55
Rietbroek, N.J.; Dingboom, E.G.; Joosten, B.J.L.J.; Eizema, K.; Everts, M.E. Effect of show jumping training on the development of locomotory muscle in young horses 2007 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4358 68 1232-1238