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Cunningham, E.; Janson, C. A socioecological perspective on primate cognition, past and present 2007 Animal Cognition 2410 details   doi
Cunningham, E.; Janson, C. Integrating information about location and value of resources by white-faced saki monkeys ( Pithecia pithecia ) 2007 Animal Cognition 3209 10 293-304 details   doi
Dwan, K.; Altman, D.G.; Arnaiz, J.A.; Bloom, J.; Chan, A.-W.; Cronin, E.; Decullier, E.; Easterbrook, P.J.; Von Elm, E.; Gamble, C.; Ghersi, D.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Simes, J.; Williamson, P.R. Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence of Study Publication Bias and Outcome Reporting Bias 2008 Plos One 6644 3 e3081 details   doi
Jacquot, M.; Grosjean, A., Emrot, C.; Van-Erck-Westergem, E.; Schwartz, C.; Tomberg, C. Effects of a walk phase at the warm up onset on physiological and behavioural parameters of ridden horses (Equus caballus) 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5897 details   pdf openurl
M, E.; östl,.; Messmann, S.; Bagu, E.; Robia, C.; Palme, R. Measurement of Glucocorticoid Metabolite Concentrations in Faeces of Domestic Livestock 1999 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 6043 46 621-631 details   doi
Mitchell, D.; Kirschbaum, E.H.; Perry, R.L. Effects of neophobia and habituation on the poison-induced avoidance of exteroceptive stimuli in the rat 1975 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2791 1 47-55 details   openurl
Rietbroek, N.J.; Dingboom, E.G.; Joosten, B.J.L.J.; Eizema, K.; Everts, M.E. Effect of show jumping training on the development of locomotory muscle in young horses 2007 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4358 68 1232-1238 details   doi
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