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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Giraldeau, L.-A.; Lefebvre, L.; Morand-Ferron, J. Can a restrictive definition lead to biases and tautologies? 2007 Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6533 30 411-412 details   doi
Ducatez, S.; Audet, J.-N.; Rodriguez, J.R.; Kayello, L.; Lefebvre, L. Innovativeness and the effects of urbanization on risk-taking behaviors in wild Barbados birds 2017 Animal Cognition 6128 20 33-42 details   doi
Giraldeau, L.-A.; Lefebvre, L. Exchangeable producer and scrounger roles in a captive flock of feral pigeons: a case for the skill pool effect 1986 Animal Behaviour 6012 34 797-803 details   doi
Ducatez, S.; Audet, J.N.; Lefebvre, L. Independent appearance of an innovative feeding behaviour in Antillean bullfinches 2013 Animal Cognition 5934 16 525-529 details   doi
Lefebvre, L.; Bouchard, J. Social learning about food in birds 2003 The Biology of Traditions 5471 94-126 details   isbn
Giraldeau, L.-A.; Lefebvre, L. Scrounging prevents cultural transmission of food-finding behaviour in pigeons 1987 Animal Behaviour. 5265 35 387-394 details   doi
Lefebvre, L.; Whittle, P.; Lascaris, E.; Finkelstein, A. Feeding innovations and forebrain size in birds 1997 Animal Behaviour. 4740 53 549-560 details   doi
Sol, D.; Duncan, R.P.; Blackburn, T.M.; Cassey, P.; Lefebvre, L. Big brains, enhanced cognition, and response of birds to novel environments 2005 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4739 102 5460-5465 details   doi
Lefebvre, L.; Reader, S.M.; Sol, D. Brains, Innovations and Evolution in Birds and Primates 2004 Brain, Behavior and Evolution 4738 63 233-246 details   doi
Lefebvre, L.; Giraldeau, L.-A. Is social learning an adaptive specialisation? 1996 Social learning in animals: The root of culture 4415 107-128 details   isbn
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